April 06, 2010

The reason why the ANC has not chastised Malema

I've been slow in figuring this one out - but the reason why the ANC has not censored Malema is actually blatantly obvious...

I started by wondering whether the ANC was hoping that Malema might hang himself if given sufficient rope, but realised the situation was trickier than that.

The ANC and its alliance are divided on the issue of nationalisation. They can not afford to come out either in support of, or against, Malema. To do so would not only break up the fragile alliance with the SACP and COSATU and also divide the ANC along these ideological lines. Something the ANC can ill afford.

Malema has seen the gap and is very cleverly exploiting it...

The net result? South Africa is left with a clear leadership vacuum and the nation is in a quandary about its future. The bald truth is that the ruling party is too divided and scared to act - as any action would result in the ANC imploding.

1 comment:

  1. Shaz - how about a post about YOU? About your new life down under, about new friends made, an ex-pat's observations, comparisons, musings and so on? I read enough about Sarf Efrican politics in our press - I want to know how my old friend is doing?
